50 years now since these beautiful songs were recorded by Francis Albert and Antônio Carlos.
Bertrand Tavernier on French Cinema
“[…] some of the greatest [French] filmmakers –I mean, Becker, Sautet, Renoir, Vigo– are detached* from the plot… At least, from the tyranny of the plot. The characters should be more interesting than the plot. ”
Also, in conversation with Kent Jones in the NYFF:
[*] He actually said ‘distressed’, but we know what he meant.
He really tried
Once there was a time when people really cared for Africa. And even accepted the most bizarre invitations in order to feel they were helping. Like Dylan.
Nobody said it would be easy.
Metacritic: ‘A Fantastic Woman’, best movie of 2017
Business Insider published a list of the most critically acclaimed pictures of every year since 2000, according to film critics under the radar of Metacritic. And ‘A Fantastic Woman’ made the cut for this year! The list includes ‘Sideways’ (2004), the first two episodes of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ (2000, 2003), “The Social Network’ (2010), ‘A Separation’ (2011) and most recent darlings as ‘Carol’ (2015) and ‘Moonlight’ (2016). Truly fantastic!
‘Gloria’ @ LFS presents: The Alumni Series
The London Film School is having a special presentation of ‘Gloria’ tonight and I’ll be there for a Q&A. 5:30pm. Details and event registration here.
A Woman Under the Influence
‘A Woman Under the Influence’ is a war movie. In the end, Mabel and Nick have dueling conceptions of reality, each as valid as the other. And that’s how wars get started. –Kent Jones